1 box of yellow cake mix
3 cans (16oz. size) of white frosting
2 dozen cupcake liners
10 chocolate covered graham crackers
3 marshmallows
12 pieces of candy corn
2 chocolate chips
2 junior mints or milk duds
red shoelace licorice
Wilton orange and red icing dye
Quart size Ziploc bags
Orange and yellow sprinkles
The Fire Dragon cake (I call "Sparky") was for my daughter's 5th grade class for her 11th birthday. She was very excited to bring "Sparky" into class and her friends were wowed! No cutting and easy cleanup make this the perfect cake to take to school for Chinese New Year or a special birthday!
Follow directions on cake mix to make two dozen cupcakes. Cool cupcakes completely on a wire rack before assembling. Take cupcakes and arrange on a 1/4 sheet cake cardboard bottom to desired shape as shown above. Take one can of icing and add orange dye to desired color is achieved. Ice cupcakes together to form a base layer to add more icing later. Place marshmallow sideways on the first double row of cupcakes to create the eyes. Next take remaining two cans of icing and add red dye until desired color is achieved (I used half the container of dye). Ice the top, front, and back sides of the marshmallows (leaving the outer walls white) Spoon half of remaining icing into a quart size ziploc bag. Snip one end of the bag approx 1/8 of an inch from the tip. Use the bag to frost the cake in a back and forth S shape to create a scale effect. Continue this process until the entire top of the cake is covered in scales (this will require at least two quart bags of icing).
For finishing touches:
-Place a junior mint on each white side of marshmallow to create eye pupils.
-Use candy corn on legs to create a claw effect.
-Cut graham crackers in half diagonally and place each in middle of dragons' back to create a row of spikes. Continue to tip of tail.
-Use red shoe lace around eyes and snout to create eyebrows and whiskers.
-Place chocolate chips on last snout cupcake to create nose.
-Cut remaining marshmallow into points and place one on either side of snout cupcake for teeth.
-Sprinkle entire cake with color sprinkles.